Core of Agile and

Efwa Anna Hagström's

Agile Organisation Fast-track

Slow Down to Speed up - go from talk to constructive action


Would you love to fast-track your company's impact & growth this year?

The truth is that YOUR company matters in this world. Yet, like most, you're likely struggling to deliver your growth- and sustainability strategy.

But could turn this around if becoming more agile and better at utilizing your organisation's capacity.  

It is time to embrace a new, better, more efficient and rewarding way of working in the Age of Disruption & AI. For one, a more agile and servant way, accelerating speed. So YOU can lower risk, achieve more than you thought possible - and achieve your vision.

Please don't make the mistake thinking re-organising and technology alone will solve poor collaboration. Or stop slow decision-making, firefighting, and silo-thinking - hurting your growth, impact, and (triple) bottom line...  

What You need is a blueprint to follow to make your organisation's successful development inevitable. 

As always, the most efficient way is to start at the top. Or as we see it, at the centre - with the Top Team being the heart of your organisation. When you get the core right, you'll create the right ripple effects, expanding like an amplifier. 

 Our 'Agile Top Team Fast-track' provides the blueprint vital to install and embed the very core of agile mindsets and capabilities in your Top Team. This creates desired ripples - literally enhancing your organisation's intelligence and use of competence, and accelerating agile decision-making, leadership, and transformation.

It used to be optional, but pairing business expertise with agility, high scores in emotional intelligence, and authentic, coaching, relation-based leadership, is now a must, not only to survive, but to thrive if that is your goal.

An extra bonus: Talent long for giving their best to agile, winning companies with a purpose, run by empowering leaders who care, and master the art of fully bringing out their competence. 

Check out what other CEOs and leaders have experienced:

”So we can expand internationally, execute our strategy, and get better results"

«To bring out the potential and work smarter in our matrix organisation, we engaged Efwa Hagström. We have learned the four Core Agile 'Slow Down to Speed Up' methods. They help us lift our communication, collaborate more constructively, and understand how we can work smarter, so we can expand internationally, execute our strategy, and get better results.»

Ann Kristin Rotegård, CEO VAR Healthcare, Cappelen Damm

Imagine in just 3-6 months your whole organisation could be faster on its feet

Modernizing, realizing must-wins, and rigged for growth and outpacing competitors - just by learning the 'Slow Down to Speed Up' methodology - full of simple, agile 'winner' methods (some shown to deliver +20% returns, McKinsey, 2019)... this is exactly what our past clients have achieved, and we'll show you how to do this too!

This Top Team Fast-track program will deeply support and inspire you. The output will by far exceed the input You make.

With our help you'll be confident you'll meet expectations, achieve your vision, be a leader people admire, have less stress, and best of all - greater work satisfaction. 



Why CEOs and leaders like you join The Agile Top Team & Organisation Fast-track

We know what it is like to be an ambitious leader - knowing You need a 'faster horse' to feel confident of achieving the big vision for Your company and life, but not how to get Your organisation to that level. 

That is why we started this Fast-track program around 3 years ago. Since then we have helped many CEOs and leaders just like you to stop wasting valuable time, energy, and money, struggling with:

  • Constant firefighting - harming productivity and profitability.
  • Poor team-dynamics in the Top Team or organisation.
  • Strong people dominating meetings, own agenda, causing stress. 
  • A lack of 'we'-feeling - blame-culture, lack of trust...
  • Repetitive problems - hindering proactive innovation and growth.
  • Resistance to change - increasing risk, delaying your strategy. 
  • Slow decision-making - hampering returns and your odds to win.
  • Inefficient meetings - wasting 30-50% of time and resources.
  • Silo-thinking - reducing quality, productivity, and profits.

If you are struggling with any of these issues in your top team or organisation, then you need our Agile Top Team Empowerment Fast-track. Read on to learn more about how this program will help you 'Slow Down to Speed Up' and overcome the problems you face...

What you can expect when joining The Agile Top Team & Organisation Fast-track... 

GUIDED PROCESS: You’ll be guided through the steps the top Team needs to take to maximize your organisation’s agility, capability to deliver high quality collaboration, and rapid value creation.

KEY AGILE ROLES: This program will help your C-Suite understand exactly how agile applies to your roles. As key role-models, you’ll know how to support, initiate, and empower agility with confidence, and joy.

AGILE CORE: Our program has an agile approach, helping you let go of outdated ways of working, and embed the very core of agile leadership mindsets, principles, and capabilities in teams and culture.

AGILE DECISIONS: You'll develop 'Your Agile Top Team Manifesto' and learn how winning companies make decisions with quality and speed (delivering +20% returns when used, McKinsey, 2019)

AGILE VALUE & LEADERSHIP: To accelerate personal development and become Agile Top Leaders, You'll learn the Accelerate Collaborative Transformation Formula, creating immediate value within 6-8 weeks.

AGILE C-SUITE: You’ll be an aligned, agile, and powerful Top Team - coping with disruption, realizing your vision, and making Your impact.

SUPPORT: This program will deeply support and inspire you. With our help you’ll be confident you can meet stakeholder expectations. 

”To me, Your success is personal. You’re not in this alone.


I believe in You. I know you can make a significant impact and achieve your vision, even if you're short-staffed, competition is tough, and times are disruptive.

So if you feel ready to lift Your Top Team and organisation to the next level and become the Winning Team You need and deserve...

Long for having an agile, efficient organisation with empowered, solution-oriented people, collaborating to make a difference in the world...

And willing to engage in this inspiring, game-changing process that gives back way more than You invest in both time and money...

Then you are perfect for my Agile Top Team Fast-track. And I would love to work with you!

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Here's what You receive in this Agile Top Team & Organisation Fast-track

This is a 12-18 week program carefully designed to suit busy leaders.

PART 1. CEO PREP: 1-2h. Make an exciting plan. Guidance how to begin. 

PART 2. ALIGN: 5h workshop with Top Team and key leaders to clarify strategic direction and 3-5 must-wins; Learn Core of Agile mindsets and methods; Practice quality and speed decisions, identifying barriers.

PART 3. EXECUTE & EDUCATE: 3-5 Top leaders 'learn-agile-leadership-by-doing' while executing must-wins guided by the 6 week  'Accelerate Collaborative Transformation Formula'.*  

*E-based study with short, motivating videos and exercises. The 1-2h/week study* is quickly retrieved. Invaluable Coaching & Support is given 1:1 + group-coaching/week - accelerating personal development, value creation, Top Team-dynamics, decision-making, transformation, and efficiency.

PART 4. WORK SMART: 3h training w/ the organisation to learn Work Smart methods increasing focus, efficiency & energy.

PART 5. AGILE CULTURE: Sr leaders have gained Core of Agile competence, confidence, and motivation - fostering an agile, cross-collaborative culture

PART 6. AGILE C-SUITE: 4h workshop addressing what holds you back.

SUPPORT: 1:1 + group-coaching (Teams). Motivating e-learning app. E-mail-support. 3h additional CEO-Coaching to ensure You stay on track.

Investment: Euro 15.900 (depending on your size and complexity).                

What our clients say from their experience learning our methods and programs:


"In addition, we enjoy clearer information and better decisions - a value hard to estimate, but the numbers can be very high" 

"To us impatient leaders: The Core of Agile 'Slow down to speed up' methods I learned, resulted in modernization, increased efficiency and competitiveness. We have saved 50–70 working hours for the organisation per month. In addition we enjoy clearer information and better decisions - a value hard to estimate, but the numbers can be very high." 

Christian Omholt, COO Kongsberg Space Electronics 

You'll receive these amazing bonuses...

*** BONUS 1: Kick-start Your High Level Performance & Well-being 

We know how important it is that You are, and stay a High Performer. Resilient, having an abundance of energy, and feeling emotionally and mentally strong - ready to conquer the world!

Leading a balanced life, feeling You are successful, and living the kind of person and leader You want to be.

Crises, disruption, and constant pressure can easily make leaders compromise their own health and well-being, developing poor habits.

But our proven 4WD More Energy, Focus & Time program will help you assess Your current situation and get back on track with simple steps and methods - ensuring You develop High Performance Level habits.

You'll transform emotionally, mentally, physically, and align with Your purpose. Within 2-3 weeks of this program You'll feel more energized and balanced. The program is included for the Top Team (can be extended). 

*** BONUS 2: Accelerate Your progress with 45 min. 1:1 Coaching for the Top Team (up to 6 people)..

More customer experiences:

"We foster agile leadership and a solution-oriented culture in an upward spiral."

 "To develop the organisation's ability to work smarter, faster, and more sustainably, 10 talents and leaders have learned the Agile 'Slow Down to Speed Up' methodology. They have developed modern, critical skills to succeed in 2023 and beyond: 

1. Professional change management and operationalization of strategic, complex changes/modernizations through constructive dialogues, cross-functional involvement. and good decision-making processes, which get people involved.

2. Simple steps and methods that strengthen self-management, energy, and mental capacity.

3. Methods that increase Business EQ (emotional intelligence), collaboration and team effectiveness.

The result is that we collaborate more constructively across departments. We have identified modernization opportunities and mobilized people. We foster agile leadership and a solution-oriented culture in an upward spiral. Warmly recommended".

Hans Skumlien, HR-direktør NOAH Solutions 

«Focus on collaboration and shared responsibility have contributed to strengthening the organisations robustness and ability to manage crises." 

«As CEO, I've received rapid, constructive leadership support by Efwa Anna Hagström to deal with challenging situations, stress, and change. Awareness in combination with simple methods and tools have helped the whole organisation. 

Focus on collaboration and shared responsibility have contributed to strengthening the organisations robustness and ability to manage crises. I warmly recommend Efwa.»

Frigg Jørgensen CEO AECO

What makes this program different from others...


First: You'll have a clear, time-efficient path easy to follow, guiding You step by step to make your Top Team and organisation agile and efficient, whether you are a small or large business, independent of industry.


Second: You'll receive the attention that You deserve. I see You. This program will deeply support and inspire you. With our help you’ll be more confident to meet stakeholder expectations. Perhaps You have tried other programs not giving you results. Which is why:


Third: You'll enjoy a training efficient program, informed by key research from McKinsey (2017) 'Why Leadership Training Development Programs Fail'. Our programs are developed to avoid those pitfalls and to increase your Return Of Investment by:

1. Focusing the training on the 2-3 key skills critical to Your strategy. 

2. Providing hands-on-training w/ real-time, value-creating projects. 

3. Learning skills and root-cause methods that challenge and shift mind-sets and behaviour on a deeper level. 

4. Measuring results (e.g. time or money saved, increased productivity, customer-satisfaction, well-being, retention..).


Fourth: Our training is based on the 'Slow Down to Speed Up' framework, informed by key elements from Einstein, Quantum physics, and Maslow, research, and +17 years of studies and experience.

- The Core of Agile fundament is 4 x Core Agile methods, rapidly improving communication, decision making, and cross-collaboration by enhancing Human Intel: Cognitive, Emotional, Creative, and Collaborative Intelligence.

- By adding 2 Speed Up-methods and 6 systematic Change Steps you get the 'Accelerate Collaborative Transformation Formula' fast-tracking complex problem-solving and change.

- The 'Work Smart' module fits with the 4 Core Agile methods, and will reduce fire-fighting and waste of time, energy, opportunity, money, talent, and resources.  

Don’t wait! Take a huge step today to speed up your organisation's capability to achieve your vision.



Get access to top-rated Slow Down to Speed Up development courses and coaching - fast-tracking High Quality Human Intel & Cross-Collaboration.



All The Leadership & Team-training You Need To Build An Agile, Resilient, and Efficient Organisation Mobilizing People & Accelerating Strategic Execution. 

You’re just a few steps away from a more fulfilled and successful life as leader.
Book a free meeting today to evaluate your situation and best way forward.